Saturday, February 12, 2011

two arms swinging

last night before bed, anthony promised me that before he had to go to work in the morning, i could go for a run...without nolan!  don't get me wrong, i love my little man, but pushing that stroller is intense!  so, i told myself, "self, no matter what time you are awakened in the morning, you are going for a run at 7:00!"

here's how it went down:

4:30am: nolan wakes up
4:30-5:15am: i try to convince nolan to lay back down and sleep more
5:15(ish)am: nolan falls back to sleep. sort of.
6:00am: nolan is up for use trying to convince him otherwise
6:00-7:00am: nolan entertained me and the video camera with chatter, standing and all kinds of fun with cups, the laundry basket and a balloon.
7:00am: "good morning, daddy!'s your baby!"
7:15am: hair back, running shoes on, out the door

the sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky!  air was a bit cool in the ol' lungs, but i suppose that's better than hot in the lungs, eh? i ran to the beach and along the ocean front path to the santa monica pier and back, rounding out at an even three miles.  stunning.  absolutely stunning.  and while it was fantastic to be able to swing both arms (especially up the hills on the way home) and nice to have a little bit of time to just let my mind wander, i missed the company of my little fella and having him distract me from my "oh gosh, how much further do i have to go?" thoughts.  so, next grand scheme: get anthony to come with me.  that way i have company of two fine fellows and get to swing two arms for at least half the time!  :)

here's a little taste of nolan goodness from this morning.  :)

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