Sunday, March 6, 2011

a tribute to the adams

most sunday mornings, my little family gets up and heads out the door for 7:30 mass.  there are four other times offered, but this is the only one that is not at the beginning or ending of a nap or bed time, so 7:30am it is. 

last sunday, nolan woke up with a stuffy nose, so he stayed home with daddy and i went alone.  i hate to admit it, but i really enjoy mass by myself now and again.  that way, there is no one else to focus on.  i don't have to make sure nolan's not being too disruptive, grabbing something out of our neighbor's bag to play with, or trying to eat/tear out the pages of the missal.  i'm not too busy being entertained by his "singing" and waving to everyone surrounding us to listen to the readings and i get to really hear what the priest has to say.

last sunday, in particular was a perfect day to be there on my own and get to take it all in.  after all the normal mass "stuff" there was a special tribute to jean and scott adam, the marina del rey couple who were killed by somali pirates on february 21st.  apparently when in town (they had spent the majority of each year since 2004 sailing their yacht around the world delivering bibles), they were parishioners at st. monica's (our church).  they were even married in the church a number of years ago.  during their ceremony, they sang a song to one another.  at mass, we had the great privilege of having a man named gary (who does the sunday 7:30 mass music, is amazing, and actually sang at their wedding) lead us in singing it in their honor.  we have sung this song before on some other sunday, but it didn't move me as it did last sunday.  to hear it again and think of the words being for a couple marrying and starting their lives together, it really sank in (this probably makes me a bad catholic as i'm sure i was supposed to "get it" as my relationship with god...whoops).

though i never met jean or scott adam and barely even heard the news of the slaying (i don't watch much of the is too depressing...i know...i know...), i cried as if they were my family.  though i don't think simply reading the words will have the same profoundness as they did that day, i'll include them anyway.  but, as you read them, imagine you are one of 200 (approximation) people singing together and as you're singing along, you know how many of your fellow singers' lives were touched and have now lost two people that they loved.

not only was it a beautiful way to honor these people, but it was a lovely reminder of the kindness that should fill a relationship, especially that of a couple in love.

it is my prayer that their souls be resting together in peace and that the memory of their lives will live on in those who knew them.

"servant song"
will you let me be your servant, let me be as christ to you?
pray that i might have the grace to let you be my servant, too.

we are pilgrims on a journey, we are travlers on the road.
we are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load.

i will hold the christ-light for you in the night time of your fear.
  i will hold my hand out to you, speak the peace you long to hear.

i will weep when you are weeping, when you laugh i'll laugh with you.
  i will share your joy and sorrow till we've seen this journey through.

when we sing to god in heaven, we shall find such harmony,
born of all we've known together of christ's love and agony.

will you let me be your servant, let me be as christ to you?
pray that i might have the grace to let you be my servant, too.

-Richard Gillard, 1977-

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