yay! the thank you's are finally sent! whew. i really need to work on my thank you sending punctuality. punctuality? can i use that in that context? well, i'm going to. :) anyway...now that they are sent, i feel like i can blog about it. haha.
this was our fourth consecutive year walking for our sofia in the march of dimes march for babies and we really rocked our fundraising!
in 2009, we raised $555.
in 2010, we raised $550.
in 2011 we raised, $500.
and this year, we raised a whoppin
that makes an all-time total of
we are so proud! and we are
so thankful that our family, friends and community have stepped up so willingly to help us out!
the sun was shining bright, there was little shade and we had a 2-year-old in tow. there was a point about halfway through the 3 mile walk that i have to admit, i was ready to be done and was feeling a little uptight. but then i remembered the whole reason we were there. it isn't about walking the fastest or being finished. it is, like life, about the journey.
once i let go of it all, stopped worrying about how long we were out there and gave in to the experience, i found myself enjoying it all so much more. sure, we walked most of it at a 2-year-old's pace, were sweaty and hungry and a little sunburned (i only remember to screen up the babe...doh!) by the end of it, but we got to spend quality time together as a family (which seems tricky to fit in to our busy, busy lives), we got to feel the amazing sense of community, support and love amongst the walkers, especially the other family teams and did a little something to help out babies and families in need.
running toward the event |
he didn't quite get that i wanted him to hold it up for the camera. :) |
fam photo - 4.28.12 - nolan 26 months |
2011 quilt square |
2012 quilt square |
breaky before the big walk |
"walk curb. walk curb." and this is why it took us so long. :) |
he was so excited to stand on the firetruck! |
one by one, he peeled off the stickers and put them on his arm. and then one by one, he transferred them to mine. |
"yay!" all moved over. :) |
sticker/sofia ribbon bathroom self-portrait. :) |
curb-walkin' with mama |
got this SWEET headband as a free goody. he rocked it all afternoon. ha. |
he has such an arm, he threw every ball way past the target. ha. center-fielder in training?? |
daddy had to play too. :) |
man, this kid LOVES popcorn. |
and canteloupe. :) |
climbing. |
hugging. :) |
totally spent. |
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