the first week of our nw family vacation is over. boo. anthony had to go home today (well, it was "today" when i started this blog. currently "today" means "two days ago". stupid picture trouble.) luckily, nolan and i have two more weeks of fun. we'll be missing daddy though!
we arrived in portland last thursday at 8:00am and have been on the go pretty much ever since. nolan's nose started running by roughly 2:30 that afternoon and while i crossed my fingers that it was just all the los angeles goop dripping out after a few hours of breathing this beautiful, clean nw air, it was very clear by the end of the night that he had a nasty cold. (three days later, i got it. ugh.) we didn't slow down a bit - probably not the most ideal for healing the body, but we had things to do! i only had one week to do all i could to convince anthony that portland is where we should be. ;) not sure how well i did, but portland was on its best behavior and really did its part. :)
day one: arrived in pdx early, early after a crazy late night of house prep for work being done while we are away and very little sleep. the weather was beautiful. we walked down to the huge park by grandma's (my mom) house and watched some kids playing baseball and then went out to dinner when grandma got home from her second to last day of work before summer break! after bedtime, anthony and i headed the backway into town along the river and through sellwood to se portland to eat some incredible dessert at papa haydn. it was awesome. sadly, bug's cold had already kicked in to high gear and he was having a rough go. sorry, bug. thanks, gma. :/
despite the fact that we left the house at 4:15am and that this picture was taken at about 5:50am, nolan did not sleep a wink during the entire flight. in fact, this was his position for a very good chunk of it. |
so sleepy, but refused to close his eyes. daddy was a little luckier than nolan and i in the sleep department. :) |
get it, kid. |
four little monkeys. |
all his new buddies ready to play. |
my boys. |
me in the papa hadyn garden. i know...even the restaurants have backyards here. haha. |
smelling something tasty... |
my handsome hubby and two of the most delicious desserts i've ever had. chocolate raspberry ganachey goodness and basil blueberry ice cream...what!? amazing. |
smoochin' in the gardens after dessert. note: it is about 9:30pm in this picture...check out the light. no flash. no outdoor lights. |
me and my love. |
day two: a little rainy in the morning. while i really wanted to bundle nolan in his raincoat and wellies and run around in the rain, we decided that with a runny nose, that wasn't our best bet. so instead, we attempted to go bowling. sounds like fun, right? 9:00am, no one else in the place, nice and quiet, not too overwhelmingly. nope. nolan thought it to be terrifying. anthony bowled the first half of the game (for all three of us) while i played arcade basketball with nolan and then we switched. luckily, nolan loved arcade basketball. :) this was followed by a little grocery shopping at the local whole foods - proud owner (?) of the most amazing bulk foods section i have ever seen. the picture really doesn't do it justice. yes, i'm a total nerd. caitlin gustin, did one of your brothers design this by chance? if so, they are freaking geniuses. :) nap, we hit up a small playground in the apartment complex and played some ball. yes, we took our kid to a playground with a snotty nose. yes, this is one of my biggest pet peeves. somehow i got past it because there were no other children in sight (nor have i seen a child there in all the times we have been there or walked past it), it was a little drizzly and supposed to rain during the night, thus washing off any snotty germs. :) then home for dinner, bath, books and bedtime before loading up in the car and heading to auburn (just south of seattle) for the weekend to celebrate my awesome cousin's beautiful wedding.
a little too small... |
problem solved. |
precisely. |
i could live in this bulk section. alright. no. but, are you kidding me!? |
we put on rain boots on and tried to find some puddles left over from the morning rain, but no luck. |
the best. |
day three: wedding day. breakfast out. last minute shopping to try and find a more weather appropriate wedding top for nolan (ended up with a colored polo to go under the sweater i brought) and a new brown belt for anthony as his broke the day before (doh). nap then wedding. it was beautiful. the rain stopped just in time for the ceremony and it was clear and lovely midway through the reception. so much love. so much happiness. so much family we haven't seen for while. all around great. nolan thoroughly enjoyed playing with his cousins and is still talking about them and played many a rousing game of cornhole (i know, terrible name) with his daddy and some other little boy wedding guests. a late night, but happiness the whole time (and a whole lot of snot. ew.).
nolan choreographed a special rhythmic gymnastics ribbon routine for the wedding couple. hehe. and as a side note: isn't my hubby handsome? ;) |
cornhole! the game got a little rough, but he loved it, except when he got pegged...twice...once in the head...poor buggy. |
nolan's high toss. |
raising the roof with uncle tyler. nolan doesn't realize just how lucky he is. uncle tyler doesn't dance for just anyone. |
day four: breakfast out with the fam and then into the car to head home. the plan was for nolan to fall asleep for his nap as we ventured the 2.5 hours south back to grandma's. that didn't so much happen. he fell asleep with about an hour left in the trip. not ideal, but it worked. he was a little upset when we woke him up to get out and explore mt. tabor, but he managed. ps. mt. tabor is incredible (sorry...all the pics were on my mom's camera). how did i not spend more time there when i lived in portland? we learned that it is a volcanic cinder cone! pretty cool. with a stop for gas, another to run around a little at a rest area (that anthony could barely believe was a rest area because it was so lovely) and our trip to mt. tabor, it took us about six hours to make the 2.5 hour trip south. ha. thankfully we had leftovers awaiting our arrival home.
picking daisies and running around at the rest area. i had put one in my hair. nolan wanted his in his hair too. |
day five: oregon zoo! up early, 4.5 hours at the zoo, a drive down to nw portland for a delicious lunch at henry's (and a little nostalgia, as i used to work there) and a trip home with a very small amount of very non-l.a. traffic. :) nolan skipped his nap, fell asleep at 4:00pm (on the drive home) and was pretty much out for the night. it was quite a day. this is also the day that my cold really ramped up with one of the worst sore throats i've ever had. boo.
by far one of nolan's favorite parts of the zoo. they have a whole "farm" set up with stuff to play on and animals to pet. super cool. |
"mooooooo" - she wanted to give me a kissy. |
they even have a little veggie garden! |
penguins! |
the first "how do you measure up?" picture of many throughout our zoo adventure. |
if you find yourself within inches of a grizzly bear, act big. |
the kid loves popcorn. i just pretend (for my sake) that it is made with real butter. oy. |
...and compared to monkeys... |
family jam session in the serengeti |
apparently this is how a python sees us...and decides whether or not we are going to be lunch. i guess my mom and i have some cold noses. haha. |
checking out the cheetah...that came right up to the window shortly after this pic. sadly, the camera wasn't ready. it was really cool. |
baby lion! |
nolan refused the mommy, daddy, toddler family picture with us all on our respective lions (boo), but he accepted a piggy back from the baby lion. |
i. love. this. picture. |
day seven: anthony's last day. :( not up nearly as early as planned, but enjoyed the rest. breakfast and off to jamison square park/fountain in nw portland. how it didn't dawn on us that our little boy who is currently terrified of swimming pools would be nearly equally terrified of a wading fountain, i'm not sure...but it didn't. we played AROUND the water for 45 minutes or so, kicked the ball and soaked up some sun on a beautiful day then yummy lunch at hotlips pizza (gluten free pizza crust. i love you, portland). caught the streetcar and headed downtown for a little shopping. replacement sunglasses for both anthony and i (yay! no more wrinkle-causing squinting or eye damage! ha) and then rode max AND the streetcar back to our car. we tried to re-create our zoo trip no nap luck, with no luck. he passed out on my shoulder as we were waiting for the streetcar, but woke up as we loaded him into the car and stayed up the rest of the evening...with some seriously CRAZY energy. not terribly destructive as normally happens when he is overtired, just really funny and totally delirious. leftovers once again before grandma headed off to drop daddy off at the airport. :(
keeping his distance. |
pretty sure he made roughly $1 worth of wishes in pennies, nickels and dimes. |
rubbing noses with the seals by the pioneer courthouse. i have pictures of me as a babe at these same statues. memories... |
coolest scooters ever. you sit on them and wiggle the steering wheel and off you go! they even hold up to 250# on flat surfaces. pretty fun! |
grandma and i even got in on the fun! (me not pictured...different camera. boo.) |
one final "bye bye/goodnight" kissy sent via text to daddy after he left for the airport. |
well, that's the fun so far...
nolan and i are starting to feel better and i'm super excited about the upcoming weeks of playing with friends, going to the children's museum, a farm and a forth of july celebration!