Monday, June 3, 2013

a much needed visit from grandma

just after my grandma passed away, my mom sent me a crystal angel figurine from grandma's collection. sadly upon arrival, it was broken in half.

yesterday afternoon, i finally got around to super-gluing it back together and put it on top of our bookshelf in the corner of our living room (we lack shelf space and have a crazy toddler running about the house at all times).

then last night, during one of my short-lived chunks of sleep, grandma visited me in my dreams. we sat together on my couch and she hugged me and rubbed my back while i cried and cried about how exhausted i am, how hard things are right now and how i often doubt my ability to handle my new role of mother of three. she then looked at me and reassured me. she told me i was doing a great job and reminded me that i need to be gentle wih myself. it was incredible. thanks for the visit, grandma. i really needed it. miss you. xoxo

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