Waaaaaaayyyy back on the 22nd of February, our little man turned a whopping four years old. Sadly, this blog has taken me nearly three months to get done. Boo, me. BUT! Here it is. :)
Four! Four! Can you even believe it?! In the past year, he has changed so very much. This time last year, he was just a toddler (or at least it seemed like it). He had soft curls in his hair and had very little to say. He was as he now says, "a Santa Monica boy" who loved going to Joslyn Park down the street from our house, walking down to the ocean, was just barely figuring out how to ride his scooter and lived for Angel's baseball (unless you drove him 2+ hours in traffic to a game all to have it begin with fireworks...then he immediately wanted to come home...ha!). He had little understanding of what being a big brother meant and had only jumped in puddles a handful of times. He wasn't in school. He was in diapers. He watched way more TV than I would have ever wanted him to as I figured out how to tend to his sissies, including Rudolph and the Toy Taker at least 3 times a week and Toy Story 2 about the same.
Now, one year later, he is a little man. He has short hair ("like Mike Trout") without soft curls, he has been in undies since last fall and he has almost a full year of preschool under his belt. He is obsessed with wearing belts as well (hehe). He is a scootin' daredevil, lives in the Oregon 'burbs and hasn't seen the ocean since last July (oy...gotta work on that). He is an incredible big brother who is very well versed in the ways of both big brother tenderness and big brother tormenting. He has jumped in puddles more times than I could ever count...and has laid in them too. His TV watching is at a much more ideal level (ha), but Frozen is magical. He still loves Rudolph, but only watched it a few times around Christmas. He loves music and is way more aware of current "hits" than I am (thank you, Daddy, for your musical ear), sings them pitch perfect and talks pretty much non-stop. He is still an avid Angel's fan, struggles to understand why they don't show the games up here as often and yet still knows the entire starting line up. He loves all things fire department related and can entertain himself for hours with matchbox cars and a four foot long orange track...well, hours is maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but it is pretty sweet. He loves to have conversations with his stuffed animals and "marches" like a Jungle Book elephant numerous times a day. He is an adventurer, a scientist, a love bug and a tester. He keeps us on our toes and fills us with love.
To my little monkey man: I love you, Bug. You are absolutely incredible and I cannot wait (alright...lie...I can...take your time) to see the man you become. You are my biggest teacher and I'm sorry that sometimes I'm a crappy student. Thank you for trying anyway. Thank you for choosing me as your momma. I'm so honored and so very grateful. You are my Sun forever. xoxox
Happy 3rd birthday! Crepes with nutella. Yum. Santa Monica. Home. February 2013. |
Birthday adventure to the Griffith Park pony and train rides. Los Angeles. February 2013. |
Playing with birthday T at Joslyn Park. Santa Monica. February 2013. |
March 2013. Bug and friends. |
Sicky boy. Tired, really pregnant momma. Cuddling and watching TV...probably Rudolph. ;) March 2013. |
Alice, Lilah, new Big Brother! April 2013. |
Mother's Day painting. May 2013. |
Santa Monica's version of a puddle. ;) May 2013. |
May 2013. |
What a big bro. May 2013. |
Coming into his own and upping his daredevilness. Clover Park. Santa Monica. May 2013. |
Ha. Love him. June 2013. |
My little baker. June 2013. |
Lilah, Bug, Alice. June 2013. |
Bug and Lilah (I think). Sibling love. June 2013. |
Me and my sick, sick Buggy less than 12 hours before our flight to our new Oregon home. July 2013. |
Oregonians Day 2. Bug being silly and wanting a ride in the ergo. July 2013. |
July 2013. Imitating sisters. ;) |
Yup. August 2013. |
Alice, Bug, Lilah. August 2013. |
August 2013. |
Now THAT is a puddle! September 2013. |
Town builder. September 2013. |
September 2013. |
First "real" fall. October 2013. |
Pumpkin patch. Cold temps, mud and all! October 2013. |
October 2013. |
Arrrgggh! |
Big splash! November 2013. |
Fall downtown. Novermber 2013. |
| | |
Momma and babes. November 2013. |
Bug and Alice. December 2013. |
Lilah, (giant) Bug, Alice. December 2013. |
Getting a tree...from a farm. December 2013. |
Lilah, Bug, Alice. Merry Christmas Eve. December 2013. |
Bug reading to Alice. January 2014. |
Bug's first real snow and first snowman! February 2014. |
Bday trip to the zoo with the Grandmas. Here with Abuelita and the hippos. February 2014. |
Happy 4th Birthday!! Bug and his grain-free, refined sugar-free, cocoa/coconut cake! February 22, 2014. |
Make a wish! Not sure why the hands...Hehe. February 22, 2014. |
Daddy, Bug, Me. Yes we are wearing nearly matching flannels. Ha. February 22, 2014. |
And then we learned just how powerful cocoa powder is. Bug and I both had crazy caffeine highs. His was funny. Mine sucked. February 22, 2014. |
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