Wednesday, September 22, 2010

happy 7 months nolan cordero!

whew...the last two posts seriously took it out of me.  but, it is amazing how "good" i feel when i talk/write about sofia...i feel like it is the simplest, yet most precious way for me to honor her.

on a lighter note: today is my little man's 7 month birthday!  hurrah! 

he is really working that crawling...seems to have finally put the leg and hand movements together today.  watch out now!

swimming started back up again today in as my mom says the "nakey baby pool".  heehee.  so cute.  he rolled from his back to face in the water twice, went under with our help once and literally dove of the little diving board! (that one surprised him a bit.  ha!)  such a big boy already.  i can't believe it.

he says "ma-ma" and occasionally throws in a "da-da". 

he pretty much hates lying on his back for even a second, which makes diaper changing ever so tricky. 

he is a little dare devil who is always on the move.

he growls and makes funny singing/howling/sighing noises with a blank face and no mouth movement...i guess you have to see that one, but it's pretty funny. 

he loves tags, straps and drawstrings, balls, books, books, books, his brand new stacking cups and anything i'll let him put in his mouth.

his two bottom, middle teeth getting bigger by the day!

he is a total ham for the camera, which makes it nearly impossible to get a candid shot of the kid no matter how stealthy i try to be. 

he thinks the kitty is so much fun and is doing a really good job of "gently" petting her, though i'm uncertain if she would agree.  ;)

he barely fits in his carseat that claims to fit a child up to 32 lbs and 32 inches (neither of which he is very close to)...i may have to take this up with graco.

he is my little cuddle bug who loves to be close to mama and makes me laugh all day long!

he fills our house with dirty clothes, lots of toys and even more joy and happiness. 

we are so glad you chose us to be your parents, little lamb!


  1. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing!!! Happy 7 mo Nolan!

  2. Awww, Happy 7 months Mr. Nolan! Growing like a week, if only we could make time stand still! I have a feeling this little boy is going to keep you even more on your toes than mine!
